D2D (Door to door)

Door-to-door market research interviewing is a form of qualitative research whereby a respondent is asked questions on their doorstep, face-to-face.
A Door-to-Door survey is a study designed to target residents of a specific region or community – often referred to as ‘geodemographics.’ By conducting a door-to-door survey, researchers can be sure to solicit responses/data from an isolated audience. A great example would be a transportation authority soliciting feedback on a proposed road project affecting a specific community.
Door-to-Door surveys are also critical for ensuring data collection from respondents who might otherwise be unlikely or unable to participate in other survey methodologies, such as surveys that are conducted online and delivered via email. Door-to-Door surveys may be the only way to adequately collect data from communities of senior citizens or lower-income neighborhoods which may not have access to reliable internet. Relying solely on online surveys means your data would exclude these crucial demographics.
This method may bring challenges. Conducting Door-to-Door surveys is not without its limitations. The most apparent drawback of this approach is cost. Door-to-Door survey campaigns are labor-intensive and time-consuming. It’s critical that interviewers are trained and professional, and they have a lot of ground to cover to collect adequate samples. It may be challenging to catch respondents while they’re at home, and if they are home, they could be facing distractions from within their household. Additionally, some respondents may be reluctant to provide honest answers to socially-sensitive questions when face-to-face with a stranger.
This method has many advantages, some of which are mentioned below:

⦁ While there are some clear examples of studies where a Door-to-Door survey would be ideal, it is essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of conducting face-to-face research.

⦁ On the positive side, conducting a survey Door-to-Door creates a 1-on-1 relationship that allows the interviewer to take a personalized approach, building rapport with the respondent and establishing trust. This may lead to more honest responses and enable the interviewer to tailor follow-up questions to the individual respondent.

⦁ It’s also much easier to conduct a service or product demonstration. The researcher benefits from collecting both verbal and non-verbal feedback from the respondent.

⦁ respondents readily provide the information now that the researcher is at their door and nothing much is at stake. Sometimes the respondents even enjoy giving their opinion which helps in collecting the needed data with greater clarity and conviction.

Usually, this method is used when we intend to collect data based on a specific geodemographic or introduce a product or service to a specific geodemographic and know their opinion.