IDEALWEEN MEMBERS IN ElecompELECOMP is the largest commercial event in field of production and products supply besides Iran`s market of Electronic and computer industry. This exhibition is held annually with the presence of Iranian and non-Iranian companies at the venue of international exhibition in Tehran. This year, 800 Iranian and non-Iranian companies were present in exhibition in the area of 34000 square meters during 4 days and there were 450 startups among them. According to Nasser Ali Sa`adat, head of the Iran computer Trade Organization, ELECOMP Stars was one of the 29 salons of exhibition 23 where the creative and innovative youth offer their ideas and products. Obviously, with the emergence of new companies along with old firms and the presence of foreign companies, competition will increase significantly and the need for collaboration with market research companies is felt more and more. Meanwhile, Idealween marketing research company young team had an active presence in exhibition and conducted one of its qualitative projects successfully. Before starting the exhibition, questionnaires were ready and edited by Idealween members, then Idealween team had briefing session. After estimating cost, forces and time, surveys were carried out over a period of 4 days and in extreme heat. At the same time as surveys, checking was done at the project site to maximize quality monitoring. Immediately after the data entry was carefully monitored and the client was provided with accurate and honest results. For more information, 19 interviewers conducted the interviews. 12 interviewers and 7 recruiters. Data entry done by a team of 22 people to wrap it up in 3 days.  